A question (because I'm not sure where else to ask)

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Hello Spiderforest! I don't use the forums here much, but I have a question in regards to the application season this year and I wasn't sure where else to ask.
I saw that applications are opening soon, but since I applied last year the rules require me to get critiqued before I can try applying again.
However, my comic getting declined was a matter of being on hiatus without a return date at the time, so is it possible to try applying this year without going through the critique thread? (I know the critique period is over, and I'm okay with sitting this year out if nothing can be done.)
  • Good Morning Turtle,

    After some discussion among the Admins, we are in agreement that disqualification for technical reasons is not the same as one where the community got a chance to talk about and critique your work. Therefore, you are not required to get critique before reapplying.

    That doesn't mean you can't ask for critique to see where you stand. Just be aware that with Application Season so close (and a Kickstarter underway), you might not get as many responses as you might after App season is over.

    I hope this helps.

    Let us know if you have other questions.