Comics tagged with 'asian lead'

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    Patchwork and Lace
    Patchwork and Lace
    Creator(s): Sooz Knowles
    Genre(s): Adventure, Fantasy, Romance
    Content Warnings: abduction/kidnapping, abuse, blood/gore, dark/disturbing themes, death, emotional abuse, harm to children, non-sexual nudity, physical abuse, profanity, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual content, suicidal ideation, torture, trauma, violence
    Update Schedule: Mondays

    Summary: Lilika is a Lovecraftian Disney princess mage. Sheol is a superpowered undead. They both escaped lives of abuse, and found each other. Now they travel the world as monster hunters, wrestle with their traumas, and try to navigate a relationship with little practical knowledge of romance.
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    Beneath the Clouds
    Beneath the Clouds
    Creator(s): Caroline Hughes
    Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Drama
    Content Warnings: some violence ghosts
    Update Schedule: Sporadic

    Summary: Genza, a exiled nobleman-turned-monk, is offered a chance to redeem himself by undertaking a perilous journey to Heian Kyo. Will Genza be prepared to confront his own demons in order to save the life of the man who exiled him, will his daughter Masako make a new life for herself in the city, and does a stranger met on the road offer a chance for a new way forward?